ASE System manufactured by Euroasfalt is an anti-skidding surface based on polyurethane resin and high-friction bauxite aggregate.
It is a modern system which:
shortens braking distance
hinders extensive speed on the road.
Thanks to high adhesion rate, the surface is also highly resistant to breaking and adapts to each shape and uneveness of the ground.
What makes the anti-skidding module unique?
ASE System is installed on the approach lane (lanes) to line P-10 which determines the smart pedestrian crossing.
The roughing material consists of the bauxite aggregate (2-5mm grain size) with PSV polishing index above 70 and polyurethane resin which binds the aggregate.
Increased pedestrian crossing safety confirmed through tests
ASE System as the only building product of this sort has been assessed technically by the Road and Bridge Research Institute no. IBDiM-KOT-2017/0067 issue 1.
ASE System assures the initial roughness parameter SRT ≥ 65 as per PN EN 13036-4 and is available in the following colors: neutral, grey, beige or red.
Why the anti-skidding module is so important?
The diagram above shows the braking distance without anti-skidding surface. You can see that the driver fails to stop the vehicle going at the speed of 70km/h if he/she can notice the pedestrian at the distance of 36 mW, despite sudden braking. In this case the pedestrian would be knocked down with the speed of 43 km/h.
The anti-skidding surface changes a lot in this respect. If the driver entered the anti-skidding surface which shortens the braking distance, the car would stop before the pedestrian. Possibly, the car would only touch the pedestrian if the latter was in a specific place of line P-10 (third column in the diagram). That would be the case if the braking lane was exactly as long as the braking distance, that is 17,5 m.
The scientific research demonstrates that increase in the vehicle speed by 22 km/h, e.g. from 50 km/h to 72 km/h, causes the stopping distance to double.
The braking distance for 70km/h is about 25 m. Taking into account the fact that the anti-skidding surface shortens this distance by 30%, the actual braking distance is 17,5 m. Since the vehicle can never start braking at the beginning of the anti-skidding surface, it is advisable to raise its length. The minimum is 20 m before the crossing. This is how long is the line P2a used in the SmartPass smart pedestrian crossing system.